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Halloween Ear Candy!

All Hallow’s Eve is fast approaching and it’s got all of us mooning over our personal party playlists…


Smashing Pumpkins anyone? 


We may not be able to do the Monster Mash with our fellow friendly Frankensteins this year – but we can totally rock a Halloween themed mask to check out the neighborhood decor and then gobble up candy while listening to some terrifying tunes!


I already have my mask ready to go!  Let’s just say… Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice… 


We asked our team for their favourite ghostly go-to tracks for chillin’ and well, chilling… 






We want more ear candy! (And real candy for that matter!) 




Do you or your artist(s) have trick-or-treat tracks poised to hit the hair-raising air waves?


Are you a radio programmer or music curator putting together a haunting Halloween playlist?


Whether you are looking for the latest spooky songs or wish to get yours into the ears of decision makers everywhere… Play MPE can get your Halloween audio festivities started right. 


Oh and guess what?! Promote now and you will also be giving music supervisors a head start on picking songs to license for next year’s scary movies. 


Total no-brainer! 




To get your Halloween tracks promoted everywhere contact your account manager or reach out to 


If you are a tastemaker wanting the latest in haunting hits  – request access to the Player. 


DAll Hallow’s Eve is fast approaching and it’s got all of us mooning over our personal party playlists…


Smashing Pumpkins anyone? 


We may not be able to do the Monster Mash with our fellow friendly Frankensteins this year – but we can totally rock a Halloween themed mask to check out the neighborhood decor and then gobble up candy while listening to some terrifying tunes!


I already have my mask ready to go!  Let’s just say… Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice… 


We asked our team for their favourite ghostly go-to tracks for chillin’ and well, chilling… 






We want more ear candy! (And real candy for that matter!) 




Do you or your artist(s) have trick-or-treat tracks poised to hit the hair-raising air waves?


Are you a radio programmer or music curator putting together a haunting Halloween playlist?


Whether you are looking for the latest spooky songs or wish to get yours into the ears of decision makers everywhere… Play MPE can get your Halloween audio festivities started right. 


Oh and guess what?! Promote now and you will also be giving music supervisors a head start on picking songs to license for next year’s scary movies. 


Total no-brainer! 




To get your Halloween tracks promoted everywhere contact your account manager or reach out to 


If you are a tastemaker wanting the latest in haunting hits  – request access to the Player. 

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