Built for music industry professionals in radio,
media, film/TV, curation and more
Access everything you need to do your job, in one place, anytime, even offline.
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Music Industry Access
Request verification to gain exclusive industry access and receive music promotions from top artists and record labels around the world, in a secure music and assets library.

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More Than A Music Library
Discover music with player and streamline your workflow

Radio Programmers
Access releases and catalog from record labels and artists across music markets. Player is accessible, anytime, anywhere, 24/7, even offline – with assets that never expire. More than a secure music library, Player has everything you need to do your job. Broadcast ready song files, metadata, promo photos, bios, press releases, contact information, songwriter splits, publishing info and more. Flag, stream, create playlists, and download music and assets. See what’s trending, and discover music by genre, format, market, song version and release type.

Media professionals and bloggers discover releases from top labels and artists across music markets and genres. Access press releases, bios, and contact information, and assets such as: music files, artwork, promo photos, bios, and more. No more random download links, and email attachments. Flag, stream, create playlists, and download assets (that never expire). You can even reach out to release reps directly from within Player. Find what you need for that review or interview, from anywhere, 24/7, even offline.

Music Supervisors & Curators
Music from top labels and artists. Download clean or instrumental versions – without having to request them! Search for music by release type, genre, and format. Find everything you need: songwriter splits, publishing details, PROs, contact information, lyrics, essential metadata and more. Direct message from within Player. Know what’s trending by filtering by Popular. Flag, queue, stream, and download sync-ready music files. Create playlists and find the right song for every cue.
Discover with Player

Trending Releases
Get to the music you need efficiently. See release types (single/EP/album) with badges. Filter your search by genre, lists, markets, song versions and release type. Sort by Newest or Popular to see what’s trending with other curators.

Essential Metadata
Access all the essential metadata you need – right there in Player. Find everything from ISRCs to UPC, songwriter and publishing details, lyrics and more is included with every release.

Contact Release Rep
Streamline your workflow and stay on task by direct messaging release representatives. Send an email without having to leave Player! Request additional information, assets, set up an interview, provide feedback and more.
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