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International Songwriting Competition (Closing Soon!)

Our fantastic partners over at International Songwriting Competition (ISC) are in the final days of their 2021 contest submissions, and are offering one last shot to enter your song in any of their previous promotions!

Until January 14, 2022, ‘PICK A PROMO’ gives you a chance to be included in the running for Demo Your Lyrics, Inspire Your Songs, Art of Booking, Love Songs & Social Causes, and the Screen Shot promotions. You can read the details and enter here.

While this year’s contest is coming to an end, we wanted to remind everyone about the amazing prizes up for grabs, including from yours truly! Play MPE is again providing the ISC’s Grand Prize winner with global music promotion distribution worth up to $3,025! Plus, new for this year ALL of the First Place winners (in each applicable category) will get distribution packages valued up to $500 each! That’s a whole lot of potential for those songs to get into the right hands and ears.

There are other great prizes for the taking, including a moves-making $25,000 cash Grand Prize, instruments, recording gear and memberships that help support artists along their journey towards a successful music career.

But of course, you don’t have to wait to win ISC to have your song reach tastemakers around the globe. Our services are available all year ‘round, so you can send your music via the same tool that thousands of industry heavyweights use! This is the magic of Play MPE – high level reach made available to anyone who has great music they want to promote!  

Play MPE’s Caster application enables record labels, promoters and artists to create and distribute music promo campaigns and select recipient lists based on their career goals and target markets. You want to get played on the radio in Australia? Play MPE has a list for that. You want music supervisors around the globe to have your latest single along with the clean edit and instrumental version? Play MPE has that list too. 

Whether you have a single ready to go, or you’re just starting to plan your marketing rollout strategy, Play MPE is a key piece of the puzzle. 

Learn more about Play MPE’s music promotion distribution tool, Caster or to chat with a Play MPE rep you can fill out a form here and get in the know!

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