MTR tracks radio airplay across North America

It’s official! As of June 6th, Play MPE’s radio monitoring tool MTR, now tracks airplay across 5000 + stations in North America. 

Sign up for a MTR account

Curious to see how it works? It’s free to sign up for a MTR account, check out the list of radio stations, view the sample dashboard, and play around with the data filters. You only pay after you upload your music and select a tracking plan. Choose from our 1, 3 and 6 month pricing plan options. Radio tracking should be as flexible as you need to be!  

If you want to see when and where your release is gaining traction at radio, MTR is an affordable, accessible – and dare we say – attractive solution. Check out that UI! 

Launch day discounts

If you already promote your music with Play MPE’s Caster, you are still eligible for a special discount! As of launch day you can now get 30% off on any tracking plans purchased until July 6th. Simply sign into MTR with your Caster credentials and your discount will be waiting for you at checkout.

There’s still time! If you haven’t promoted your music with Caster before, you can still sign up before July 6th to take advantage of the discount.

If you have already promoted your music to radio in North America, and just want to track your airplay, we are offering 20% off any tracking plans purchased up until July 6th. 

Is MTR radio tracking right for you?

If you aren’t sure if MTR is right for your radio tracking needs, go ahead and check it out for free! Sign up for an account and take a look around. Try out the dashboard using the “Sample Song” and browse the list of radio stations. If you don’t see a station you want to track in our database, simply submit a station request. We are adding stations daily as MTR continues to expand!

When you are ready to go –  just upload a song, select a plan (per song) and MTR will start tracking your airplay in real-time.

Tracking radio spins made easy 

Tracking plans are priced per song. Just upload music files, fill in the song information, and select the tracking plan that’s right for your promotion campaign and budget. Whether you just need to track a single at a time, or multiple songs by multiple artists.

Real-time radio reporting

MTR tracks airplay in real-time. After MTR detects a spin matching your song’s fingerprint, that spin will appear in the dashboard. You can view spins in the all-time overview, or by selected tracking period. Or view radio spins by station, city, and day part (spins during each hour of the day)!

If you don’t see spins right away – it is important to note that some stations may be faster to pick up or “add” a song than others. Tracking your airplay with MTR does not guarantee you will get airplay. Nor does promoting your music. It is still up to the radio stations, programmers, and music directors to select which songs get added into rotation. If MTR detects airplay, you will see it in the dashboard. 

MTR is adding more radio stations daily 

If you aren’t sure if you are getting airplay you can cross reference the list of radio stations you sent your music to, with the radio stations tracked by MTR. If you don’t see a station in the database, you can submit a request and our team will be happy to add it! 

If you know for a fact a station played your song, and you see it listed in the database, but still aren’t seeing the spins you expected to see –  feel free to contact our friendly support team. Each song has a unique tracking fingerprint and we can check to make sure your song file uploaded correctly and has a fingerprint.

Promote your music to radio before you track it 

Tracking your song with MTR does not guarantee airplay as that all depends on whether your song is in fact getting spins at radio. The decision is up to radio programmers and music directors. However, promoting your music to verified contacts with Caster, can give you the best chance for success. If your song gets played on a radio station MTR monitors, we can track it!

To get the most of your MTR experience read more here. 

Want to learn about all the different types of music royalties including those from radio (which pay better than most) – read all about it!

For more information about MTR and to view price plans visit

If you want to promote your music to radio with Caster feel free to book a free 1:1 with one of our industry relations reps. 

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